NEWS - Home Improvement Giant, This Old House, features Colored Epoxies Epoxy Resin Coating Product on

مايو 10, 2022 2 min read

This Old House, America's most trusted home improvement media brand specializing in How-to and DIY expert advice features Colored Epoxies clear epoxy resin kits in their selection of the Best Garage Floor Coating Products of 2022. 

Colored Epoxies made the cut to be one of top 5 recommended garage flooring solutions and the only epoxy resin product. YEAH!

In the article, which you can find HERE, This Old House experts take the mystery out of garage floor surface upgrades. They give tips on how to select the right surface treatment depending on intensity of the anticipated traffic and the desired durability of the final product.

We are proud to have been cherry-picked from among many available epoxies as THE ONLY EPOXY RESIN COATING PRODUCT in this line up featuring other non-epoxy products, such as paints or products containing only small amounts of epoxy in their chemical make up, such as Rust-Oleum floor paint. The article mentions other floor treatment options like interlocking tiles or mats. Epoxy is the Cadillac solution.

It comes as no surprise, that epoxy resin coatings stacks up on top for their durability, water-resistance, and stain resistance as well as longer serviceability. We all have seen oil spill marks and hot tire pick up on garage flooring. Epoxy flooring is much more forgiving. The article agrees with our opinion that epoxy resin floor is a deluxe flooring solution with “an impact-, stain-, and crack-resistant surface” that can come “in a variety of colors to match your garage’s design.” 

This Old House states that you can expect 10 to 20 years of usability before the need to be replaced - we can even say that you can re-apply epoxy down the line to produce a brand new look with less prep work than needed initially. 

There are industry standard ways to deal with concrete prep to assure your project is a long-lasting success. There are steps to follow and choices to be made depending on whether you have a brand new slab, renovation, or a rehabilitation project on your hands. Give us a ring for advice! 

Do you want to use This-Old-House-recommended Colored Epoxies epoxy resin kit to prepare your garage floor to take-a-beating-and-still-look-great?

We are here to help.


According to

“We recommend products in each review using an intensive research process, spending hours combing through the best available models on Amazon. For a product to make our list of top picks, it must hold a solid sales record on Amazon, have consistently positive customer reviews, and offer unique features, among other factors. After narrowing down our list of recommendations, we conduct additional research and sometimes in-person testing to ensure that the products meet our standards.”



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Square Foot Calculator

What are you looking for?

Flakes Epoxy System
Micas - Coloredepoxies
Stone Series Flake - Coloredepoxies
حجم الشريحة
Crystal Flake Glitter - Coloredepoxies
Glitter - Coloredepoxies
Glitter Accent Flakes
domino FB-411 3G2020 1/4"
stonehenge FB-427 3G2010 1/4"
shoreline FB-421 3G1070 1/4"
Tidal wave FB-802 3G2030 1/4"
savannah CSF-1047284 3G1060 1/4"
outback FB-517 3G1040 1/4"
madras FB-706 3G2010 1/4"
dolerite F9311 3G2010 1/4"
creekbed FB-716 3G1040 1/4"
aurora CFS-1047283 3G2020 1/4"
appalachian FB-812 3G1090 1/4"
Marbelized Metallic Epoxy System
Solid Color Epoxy System

Enter Square Feet

Total Size FT2



How it works?


1. Choose from one of the 7 custom flake systems.

2. Choose color.

3. Select size of flakes (1/4” is standard)

4. Enter square footage.

5. Add to cart.

6. Before proceeding to check out you can change color on colored epoxy resin kit to closely match flake color.


1. Choose one of the 12 solid colors first this will be the primer and backdrop color.

2. Choose metallic pigments.

3. Enter your square footage.

4.Pending the size of your job you will be able to choose more than one pigment, rule of thumb the more splash colors you add the better the effects.

Solid Color

1. Pick any color, System will calculate enough epoxy for two rolled on applications. Day 1 the primer & Day 2 the final finish coat.
Divide the cost of goods by your square footage this will give you precise square foot cost.


1. Choose from one of the 7 custom flake systems.

2. Choose color.

3. Select size of flakes (1/4” is standard)

4. Enter square footage.

5. Add to cart.

6. Before proceeding to check out you can change color on colored epoxy resin kit to closely match flake color.


1. Choose one of the 12 solid colors first this will be the primer and backdrop color.

2. Choose metallic pigments.

3. Enter your square footage.

4.Pending the size of your job you will be able to choose more than one pigment, rule of thumb the more splash colors you add the better the effects.

Solid Color

1. Pick any color, System will calculate enough epoxy for two rolled on applications. Day 1 the primer & Day 2 the final finish coat.
Divide the cost of goods by your square footage this will give you precise square foot cost.


1. Choose from one of the 7 custom flake systems.

2. Choose color.

3. Select size of flakes (1/4” is standard)

4. Enter square footage.

5. Add to cart.

6. Before proceeding to check out you can change color on colored epoxy resin kit to closely match flake color.


1. Choose one of the 12 solid colors first this will be the primer and backdrop color.

2. Choose metallic pigments.

3. Enter your square footage.

4.Pending the size of your job you will be able to choose more than one pigment, rule of thumb the more splash colors you add the better the effects.

Solid Color

1. Pick any color, System will calculate enough epoxy for two rolled on applications. Day 1 the primer & Day 2 the final finish coat.
Divide the cost of goods by your square footage this will give you precise square foot cost.