الحد الأدنى 5Lb الأمر.
جميع أوامر فلاكه تباع في 5 رطل الزيادات، ماكس 55 رطلا في المربع.
عن سلسلة من الحجر فلاكه على الجمال الطبيعي حجر سليت النظر. تبدو مثل سجاد عند تثبيته، لا تملك الكيب المرقطة التجارية يتطلعا.
دائم: تقدم سوبيريون الكيميائية أو مقاومة الحك.
وفن: اعمل على تحسين بيئة نظام الأرضيات بإضافة اللون والملمس للإشادة أي ديكور.
اقتصادية: ستون series. فلاكه تقديم بديل فعالة تكاليفيا طوابق.
1. Choose from one of the 7 custom flake systems.
2. Choose color.
3. Select size of flakes (1/4” is standard)
4. Enter square footage.
5. Add to cart.
6. Before proceeding to check out you can change color on colored epoxy resin kit to closely match flake color.
1. Choose one of the 12 solid colors first this will be the primer and backdrop color.
2. Choose metallic pigments.
3. Enter your square footage.
4.Pending the size of your job you will be able to choose more than one pigment, rule of thumb the more splash colors you add the better the effects.
Solid Color
1. Pick any color, System will calculate enough epoxy for two rolled on applications. Day 1 the primer & Day 2 the final finish coat.
Divide the cost of goods by your square footage this will give you precise square foot cost.
1. Choose from one of the 7 custom flake systems.
2. Choose color.
3. Select size of flakes (1/4” is standard)
4. Enter square footage.
5. Add to cart.
6. Before proceeding to check out you can change color on colored epoxy resin kit to closely match flake color.
1. Choose one of the 12 solid colors first this will be the primer and backdrop color.
2. Choose metallic pigments.
3. Enter your square footage.
4.Pending the size of your job you will be able to choose more than one pigment, rule of thumb the more splash colors you add the better the effects.
Solid Color
1. Pick any color, System will calculate enough epoxy for two rolled on applications. Day 1 the primer & Day 2 the final finish coat.
Divide the cost of goods by your square footage this will give you precise square foot cost.