Sélection de la couleur de Guide de

de la Poudre Métallique Réflexions Pigments

assurer la transparence artistique l'impact avec de la Poudre Métallique Réflexions palette créative de caractè-fines poudres métalliques, sophiticated les couleurs et la brillance de longue durée et ont besoin de peu de maintenance

pigmentPerle Pigment pigment Dauphin Pigment pigmentLamantin Pigment pigment Pigment de Titane pigmentGunmetal Pigment pigmentGoyave Pigment pigment Couvert Pigment de la pigment Barre de sable, Pigment pigmentPalapa Pigment pigmentBambou Pigment pigmentLager Pigment
pigment bois de Pigment pigment Hamac Pigment pigmentRhum Pigment pigmentCafé Pigment pigmentTiki Pigment pigmentCabana Pigment pigmentPigment Canon pigmentSandale Pigment pigmentParrot Pigment pigmentBikini Pigment pigmentÉtoiles de mer Pigment
pigmentAmericana Pigment pigmentSangria Pigment pigmentMandarin Pigment pigmentde Mangue Pigment pigmentLaiton Pigments pigmentde Cuivre Pigment pigmentPigment de la Banane pigmentLa Papaye Pigment pigmentRêverie Pigment pigmentCoucher De Soleil Pigment pigmentMarguerite Pigment
pigmentAvocat Pigments pigmentDes Algues Pigment pigmentPalm Pigment pigmentPier Pigment pigmentKona Pigment pigmentCaraïbes Pigment pigmentMaui Pigment pigmentCuraçao Pigment pigmentAzure Pigment pigmentDe L'Océan Pigment pigmentPigment Reef

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Epoxy Resins




Square Foot Calculator

What are you looking for?

Flakes Epoxy System
Micas - Coloredepoxies
m-1070 Clear
m-1010 Silver
m-1020 Gold
m-1050 Rum
m-1060 Bronze
m-1040 Amber
m-1030 Midnight
Stone Series Flake - Coloredepoxies
Pierre ponce
V.C. Brown
V.C. Ewa Green
V.C. Kona Beige
V.C. Lanai Gray
V.C. Maui Blue
V.C. Pali Brown
V.C. Rose
Pumice Stone
Obsidian Stone
Garnet Stone
Schist Stone
Dolerite Stone
Basalt Stone
Taille des copeaux
Crystal Flake Glitter - Coloredepoxies
1010 blancs
1020 en argent
bronze à canon 1030
1040 de bronze
1050 d'or
cuivre 1060
1070 marron
1080 noirs
minuit 1090
perle 2010
2020 holographique
black holographic-2021
Glitter - Coloredepoxies
Glitter Accent Flakes
domino FB-411 3G2020 1/4"
stonehenge FB-427 3G2010 1/4"
shoreline FB-421 3G1070 1/4"
Tidal wave FB-802 3G2030 1/4"
savannah CSF-1047284 3G1060 1/4"
outback FB-517 3G1040 1/4"
madras FB-706 3G2010 1/4"
dolerite F9311 3G2010 1/4"
creekbed FB-716 3G1040 1/4"
aurora CFS-1047283 3G2020 1/4"
appalachian FB-812 3G1090 1/4"
Marbelized Metallic Epoxy System
Solid Color Epoxy System

Enter Square Feet

Total Size FT2



How it works?


1. Choose from one of the 7 custom flake systems.

2. Choose color.

3. Select size of flakes (1/4” is standard)

4. Enter square footage.

5. Add to cart.

6. Before proceeding to check out you can change color on colored epoxy resin kit to closely match flake color.


1. Choose one of the 12 solid colors first this will be the primer and backdrop color.

2. Choose metallic pigments.

3. Enter your square footage.

4.Pending the size of your job you will be able to choose more than one pigment, rule of thumb the more splash colors you add the better the effects.

Solid Color

1. Pick any color, System will calculate enough epoxy for two rolled on applications. Day 1 the primer & Day 2 the final finish coat.
Divide the cost of goods by your square footage this will give you precise square foot cost.


1. Choose from one of the 7 custom flake systems.

2. Choose color.

3. Select size of flakes (1/4” is standard)

4. Enter square footage.

5. Add to cart.

6. Before proceeding to check out you can change color on colored epoxy resin kit to closely match flake color.


1. Choose one of the 12 solid colors first this will be the primer and backdrop color.

2. Choose metallic pigments.

3. Enter your square footage.

4.Pending the size of your job you will be able to choose more than one pigment, rule of thumb the more splash colors you add the better the effects.

Solid Color

1. Pick any color, System will calculate enough epoxy for two rolled on applications. Day 1 the primer & Day 2 the final finish coat.
Divide the cost of goods by your square footage this will give you precise square foot cost.


1. Choose from one of the 7 custom flake systems.

2. Choose color.

3. Select size of flakes (1/4” is standard)

4. Enter square footage.

5. Add to cart.

6. Before proceeding to check out you can change color on colored epoxy resin kit to closely match flake color.


1. Choose one of the 12 solid colors first this will be the primer and backdrop color.

2. Choose metallic pigments.

3. Enter your square footage.

4.Pending the size of your job you will be able to choose more than one pigment, rule of thumb the more splash colors you add the better the effects.

Solid Color

1. Pick any color, System will calculate enough epoxy for two rolled on applications. Day 1 the primer & Day 2 the final finish coat.
Divide the cost of goods by your square footage this will give you precise square foot cost.